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  • DjangoApplicationProps



Optional Readonly createServiceAccount

createServiceAccount: boolean

Creates a service account and attach it to any deployment pods. serviceAccountName: release name

Readonly deployment

deployment: DeploymentProps

Deployment configuration

Readonly djangoSettingsModule

djangoSettingsModule: string

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.

Optional Readonly domains

Array of domain(s). Host is the domain the application runs on, and isSubdomain is true if the domain should be treated as a subdomain for certificate purposes. paths is the list of paths to expose the application on. See the certificate documentation for more details.

Domain is optional if the application is not publicly accessible (e.g. celery)

Optional Readonly ingressProps

ingressProps: Partial<Omit<IngressProps, "port">>

Optional ingressProps to override the default ingress props.

Optional Readonly port

port: number

Port to expose the application on.

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