Converts an object of type 'AggregationRule' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'AggregationRuleV1Alpha1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'AggregationRuleV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'AllowedCsiDriverV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'AllowedFlexVolumeV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'AllowedHostPathV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ApiServiceSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ApiServiceSpecV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'AwsElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'AzureDiskVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'AzureFilePersistentVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'AzureFileVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'BoundObjectReference' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'Capabilities' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CephFsPersistentVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CephFsVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CertificateSigningRequestSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CertificateSigningRequestSpecV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CinderPersistentVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CinderVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ClientIpConfig' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ComponentCondition' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ConfigMapEnvSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ConfigMapKeySelector' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ConfigMapNodeConfigSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ConfigMapProjection' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ConfigMapVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'Container' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ContainerPort' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ContainerResourceMetricSourceV2Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ContainerResourceMetricSourceV2Beta2' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CronJobSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CronJobSpecV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CrossVersionObjectReference' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CrossVersionObjectReferenceV2Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CrossVersionObjectReferenceV2Beta2' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CsiDriverSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CsiDriverSpecV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CsiNodeDriver' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CsiNodeDriverV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CsiNodeSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CsiNodeSpecV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CsiPersistentVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CsiVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceColumnDefinition' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceColumnDefinitionV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceConversion' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceConversionV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceDefinitionNames' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceDefinitionNamesV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceDefinitionSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceDefinitionSpecV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceDefinitionVersion' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceDefinitionVersionV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceSubresourceScale' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceSubresourceScaleV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceSubresources' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceSubresourcesV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceValidation' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'CustomResourceValidationV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'DaemonSetSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'DaemonSetUpdateStrategy' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'DeleteOptions' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'DeploymentSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'DeploymentStrategy' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'DownwardApiProjection' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'DownwardApiVolumeFile' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'DownwardApiVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EmptyDirVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'Endpoint' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EndpointAddress' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EndpointConditions' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EndpointConditionsV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EndpointHints' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EndpointHintsV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EndpointPort' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EndpointPortV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EndpointSubset' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EndpointV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EnvFromSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EnvVar' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EnvVarSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EphemeralContainer' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EphemeralVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EventSeries' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EventSeriesV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'EventSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ExecAction' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ExternalDocumentation' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ExternalDocumentationV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ExternalMetricSourceV2Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ExternalMetricSourceV2Beta2' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'FcVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'FlexPersistentVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'FlexVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'FlockerVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'FlowDistinguisherMethodV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'FlowSchemaSpecV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ForZone' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ForZoneV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'FsGroupStrategyOptionsV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'GcePersistentDiskVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'GitRepoVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'GlusterfsPersistentVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'GlusterfsVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'Handler' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HorizontalPodAutoscalerBehaviorV2Beta2' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpecV2Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpecV2Beta2' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HostAlias' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HostPathVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HostPortRangeV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HpaScalingPolicyV2Beta2' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HpaScalingRulesV2Beta2' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HttpGetAction' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HttpHeader' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HttpIngressPath' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HttpIngressPathV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HttpIngressRuleValue' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'HttpIngressRuleValueV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IdRangeV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressBackend' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressBackendV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressClassParametersReference' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressClassParametersReferenceV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressClassSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressClassSpecV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressRule' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressRuleV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressServiceBackend' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressSpecV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressTls' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IngressTlsv1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IpBlock' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IscsiPersistentVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'IscsiVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'JobSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'JobTemplateSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'JobTemplateSpecV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'JsonSchemaProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'JsonSchemaPropsV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KeyToPath' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeApiServiceListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeApiServiceListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeApiServiceProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeApiServiceV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeBindingProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCertificateSigningRequestListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCertificateSigningRequestListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCertificateSigningRequestProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCertificateSigningRequestV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeClusterRoleBindingListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeClusterRoleBindingListV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeClusterRoleBindingListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeClusterRoleBindingProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeClusterRoleBindingV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeClusterRoleBindingV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeClusterRoleListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeClusterRoleListV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeClusterRoleListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeClusterRoleProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeClusterRoleV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeClusterRoleV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeComponentStatusListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeComponentStatusProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeConfigMapListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeConfigMapProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeControllerRevisionListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeControllerRevisionProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCronJobListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCronJobListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCronJobProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCronJobV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCsiDriverListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCsiDriverListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCsiDriverProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCsiDriverV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCsiNodeListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCsiNodeListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCsiNodeProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCsiNodeV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCsiStorageCapacityListV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCsiStorageCapacityListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCsiStorageCapacityV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCsiStorageCapacityV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCustomResourceDefinitionListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCustomResourceDefinitionListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCustomResourceDefinitionProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeCustomResourceDefinitionV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeDaemonSetListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeDaemonSetProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeDeploymentListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeDeploymentProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeEndpointSliceListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeEndpointSliceListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeEndpointSliceProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeEndpointSliceV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeEndpointsListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeEndpointsProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeEphemeralContainersProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeEventListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeEventListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeEventProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeEventV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeEvictionV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeFlowSchemaListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeFlowSchemaV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeHorizontalPodAutoscalerListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeHorizontalPodAutoscalerListV2Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeHorizontalPodAutoscalerListV2Beta2Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeHorizontalPodAutoscalerProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeHorizontalPodAutoscalerV2Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeHorizontalPodAutoscalerV2Beta2Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeIngressClassListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeIngressClassListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeIngressClassProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeIngressClassV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeIngressListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeIngressListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeIngressProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeIngressV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeJobListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeJobProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeLeaseListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeLeaseListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeLeaseProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeLeaseV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeLimitRangeListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeLimitRangeProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeLocalSubjectAccessReviewProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeLocalSubjectAccessReviewV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeMutatingWebhookConfigurationListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeMutatingWebhookConfigurationListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeMutatingWebhookConfigurationProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeMutatingWebhookConfigurationV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeNamespaceListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeNamespaceProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeNetworkPolicyListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeNetworkPolicyProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeNodeListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeNodeProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePersistentVolumeClaimListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePersistentVolumeClaimProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePersistentVolumeListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePersistentVolumeProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePodDisruptionBudgetListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePodDisruptionBudgetListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePodDisruptionBudgetProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePodDisruptionBudgetV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePodListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePodProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePodSecurityPolicyListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePodSecurityPolicyV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePodTemplateListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePodTemplateProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePriorityClassListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePriorityClassListV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePriorityClassListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePriorityClassProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePriorityClassV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePriorityClassV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePriorityLevelConfigurationListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubePriorityLevelConfigurationV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeReplicaSetListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeReplicaSetProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeReplicationControllerListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeReplicationControllerProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeResourceQuotaListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeResourceQuotaProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRoleBindingListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRoleBindingListV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRoleBindingListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRoleBindingProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRoleBindingV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRoleBindingV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRoleListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRoleListV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRoleListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRoleProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRoleV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRoleV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRuntimeClassListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRuntimeClassListV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRuntimeClassListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRuntimeClassProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRuntimeClassV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeRuntimeClassV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeScaleProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeSecretListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeSecretProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeSelfSubjectAccessReviewProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeSelfSubjectAccessReviewV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeSelfSubjectRulesReviewProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeSelfSubjectRulesReviewV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeServiceAccountListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeServiceAccountProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeServiceListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeServiceProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeStatefulSetListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeStatefulSetProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeStatusProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeStorageClassListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeStorageClassListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeStorageClassProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeStorageClassV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeStorageVersionListV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeStorageVersionV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeSubjectAccessReviewProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeSubjectAccessReviewV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeTokenRequestProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeTokenReviewProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeTokenReviewV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeValidatingWebhookConfigurationListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeValidatingWebhookConfigurationListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeValidatingWebhookConfigurationProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeValidatingWebhookConfigurationV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeVolumeAttachmentListProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeVolumeAttachmentListV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeVolumeAttachmentListV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeVolumeAttachmentProps' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeVolumeAttachmentV1Alpha1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'KubeVolumeAttachmentV1Beta1Props' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'LabelSelector' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'LabelSelectorRequirement' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'LeaseSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'LeaseSpecV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'Lifecycle' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'LimitRangeItem' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'LimitRangeSpec' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'LimitResponseV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'LimitedPriorityLevelConfigurationV1Beta1' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'ListMeta' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'LocalObjectReference' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'LocalVolumeSource' to JSON representation.
Converts an object of type 'Affinity' to JSON representation.